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     Just as a camera roll shares a story, my educational journey through the Michigan State University Masters of Arts in Education Program (MAED) reveals my growth.  What began as a means in order to discover new strategies with current research in the fields of literacy, math and technology quickly broadened to reflection on how to make changes within my teaching and community involvement.  Considering the perspectives of those involved in our students lives, along with reflection on these views and educational frameworks, has prompted the need for a balanced vision to assist the growth of our children.  Together, I plan on fostering life long learners who embrace the challenge of the unknown while maintaining courage to explore.  Below are samples of how I have grown.



Educational Lenses 




Science and Mathematics 
Engagement and Leadership


Understanding that students have different packages of skills and strategies prompted my need for differentiation.  In order to create this perceptive lense, this case study  was done which expanded my critical analysis of student behavior while incorporating supportive research.  Based on observations during our one-to-one sessions, I was able to alter instruction based on his needs.  Providing feedback based on specific observations is a tool which can assist within my daily teaching experiences.

Elementary Reading Assessment and Instruction

(Book reflection and analysis)

Building on the analysis of one student, I branched into observations of multiple students at different age and reading levels.  Once again, I was able to study different reading issues and develop research based intervention strategies.  In addition, I was able to reflect on my instruction and consider options to improve my ability to differentiate.  Finally, expanding my prior knowledge was a highlight.  I was able to gather new sources which could strengthen my ability to assist my students within areas such as the literary foundation of vocabulary and decoding miscue analysis.

Language barriers are an issue which one may face in the classroom.  In that case, one needs a tool kit of strategies which can ease the transition for students and families while learning a new language.   During this session, I was able to develop a skill set which could assist both English Language Learners and my struggling readers.  Considering attention to visual cues, making connections, and building on prior knowledge were just a few highlights.   Culminating the course,  I was able to develop a professional development program to share during our weekly professional learning community meeting.

Mathematics and Science

Over the years, I have witnessed many changes within the digital world.  Recognizing that I am a digital immigrant, I can easily see the need to expand my knowledge base is necessary to connect with my students.  That being said, I was given an opportunity to explore the TPACK framework (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), utilize a variety of technology features, along with acquire many tools to enhance my teaching.  As our district has expanded its one to one instruction to K-3rd grade this year, I look forward to applying this information in a hands on situation.

As much as the digital world has progessed, so has the concept of how to teach science.  When I first began in the classroom, science was mostly reading from a basal and regurgitating information.  This recall of knowledge may have passed a test and sparked interest, but it rarely was approached as a big idea which had mutliple ways of understanding a concept.  Discovering the use of phenonmena with discourse was a new approach to teaching a science unit.  The inclusion of technology such as the youtube demonstration of a freezing bubble created excitement and opportunity for enhancing my teaching.

While working with my students, I have discovered patterns of errors with student  engagement and understanding of math word problems.  As educators do, I felt the need to discover a new practice to assist my students' learning.  During this semester, I was able to address this discourse  by researching current literature.  In addition, I was able to analyze data in quantitative and qualitative  methods.  Combining this data with research and influences of technology I was able to understand how to apply this knowledge to assist my students in the future.

Engagement and Leadership

Relationships are the key to developing a bond of trust.  Each year, as a teacher, I have the chance to create a new bond with my students.  This bond intertwines not only the school staff and students, but parents and community.  Recalling the diversity of our families, providing the support within and outside the school environment, and embracing the culture within our school can create a positive culture.  Acknowledging that the community also plays a supportive role can be a powerful tool. I believe that the rapport I create with my struggling learners, English Language Learners and parents can strengthen not their learning, but the surrounding community.

Inquiry Inspiring Growth

(Inquiry Essay)

Education provides the wonderful gift of life long learning.  Perspectives as we grow can alter our viewpoints and change our lens of the world.  I began to look at themes which drive each individual with their growth.  Although great minds have provided us with a variety of types of inquiry, each of us connect with different features.  I gravitated towards the narrative inquiry which built on my observations.  However, as I have grown, my perspective has changed.    The cultural and digital world have impacted my educational experience.  Recalling the past history of education while embracing the future has altered my perspectives.  I  eagerly embrace this change while maintaining balance and pedgogical concepts.

Reading Recovery 


Although separate from the Michigan State University masters program, the training and certification in Reading Recovery Teaching was a foundational piece with my prior literacy base.  Many years ago, I was able to participate in this two year program  through Purdue University.  Unfortunately, due to budget cuts we have been unable to continue the program.  However, the one on one instruction, professional development regarding analysis of observations, and strategies provided a base to problem solving with my struggling readers.  I have been able to adapt this knowledge within my classroom teaching in order to differentiate my student's instruction.  

Image Attribution:,,,,,, localpittsburg,, Reading Recovery of North America,

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