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Professional Goal Reflection

Professional Goals pdf

My Journey with Learning


Over the years, I have realized lifelong learning provides moments to grow within professional and personal life choices.  Obstacles can delay or alter the timeline, yet every experience provides growth. One has the choice to make the change and take the risk of a first step.  


My pivotal moment came several years ago.  After graduating with my Bachelor’s degree, my life included starting a family, job relocations, along with family illnesses.  However, I still felt the tug to learn. Yes, I grew through family and educational experiences, but I always returned to my dream of a masters.  After my daughters graduated college, I realized that it was my moment. Although it was a risk with time, family needs and finances, it has been one of my most fulfilling experiences.


After much reflection on programs, I decided to pursue the Michigan State University online masters program (MAED).  This program would intertwine my concentrations of mathematics/science and literacy while addressing my goals of obtaining more research based strategies to enhance my teaching, improve my approach with regards to innovative digital resources, strategies and techniques, along with broaden my educational base to share knowledge within my professional learning community.


Throughout my educational experience, I have worked with amazing mentors. Now I find myself driven to follow their footsteps with sharing knowledge not only with students but peers and administrative leaders.  As I love innovative ideas and perspectives, I found myself considering ways to incorporate my recent learning within my class settings.   For example, recognizing the need to reevaluate formative assessment documents with not only data, but differentiation of instruction. Reflecting on my graduate coursework, I will share this knowledge with my students, along with peers/administrators in our weekly professional learning community. As our school will be 1:1 next year, the technology coursework will be extremely helpful with implementation, along with fostering the learning experience.  Building on my experience, I can grow as an educator while impacting the growth of those around me.


A future goal would be within instructional coaching.  I love working with teachers in math, literacy and technology in order to assist the growth of our young learners.  Although I still want to pursue this avenue, my interest in educational leadership has been sparked based on perspectives influenced by coursework dialogue.  Understanding these views can assist with organizing and implementing programs within our student learning environment such as balance between school and home environments while introducing technology in the 1:1 experience. Therefore, I find myself considering more options for future growth.


As Dweck quotes with his growth mindset, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”  Taking a risk is always a baby step, filled with stumbles and redirection as working towards a vision. The masters program may have been my baby step into balancing traditional and digital learning, but I love the challenge, failures and success, which will come as I eagerly continue my lifelong dream of learning professionally and personally.

Image Attribute: the journey

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